Databases - Journals, Magazines, eBooks, Videos, etc. (Full-Text)
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Full-Text Databases: A to Z list
Search for full-text articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers, as well as other resources including ebooks, maps, images, and streaming videos.
- Visit How to Access Library Resources and How to Use Library Resources as needed for more help.
- Search all online Library resources with Discovery. To find full-text ebooks only, search the Library's eBook Collections.
- Explore Subjects for resources covering specific subject areas and course disciplines.
- Additional non-full-text resources may be found in the Non Full-Text Databases.
Go To: A to F | G to L | M to P | Q to Z
A to F
Academic Search Complete: Articles from 5,500+ journals and other sources, multiple subject areas.
African American Newspapers: Covers selected newspapers from 1827 to 1998.
Alt HealthWatch: Full-text from alternative health publications, many peer-reviewed.
America’s Historical Newspapers: Find newspaper articles from Louisiana’s past.
APA PsycINFO: The largest resource for peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health with some full-text.
Art and Architecture Complete: Full-text articles and e-books on art, artists, and topics related to architecture, as well as over 63,000 images.
AtoZ MapsOnline: Over 145,000 maps, including political, physical, and more.
Black Life in America: The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today.
Book Collection: Nonfiction: Abstracts and full text content in various subject areas, life skills and more.
Britannica Online Academic Edition: A full text encyclopedia with video, maps, and more.
Business Source Complete: Articles and abstracts from more than 1,200 scholarly business journals.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text: Articles from over 620 nursing and allied health publications.
Computer Source: Citations and abstracts for articles on computer science, many full-text.
CQ Researcher Plus Archive (1923 - Present): In–depth, non–biased full text reports on topics and issues in the news.
Credo Reference: Offers full text general reference resources covering every major subject, and more.
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text: The leading full-text database for criminal justice and criminology research covering all related subjects, including forensic sciences, corrections, policing, criminal law and investigation.
Duke University Press Books: Books and journals across humanities, social sciences, and more.
eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost): Covers a large selection of academic subjects and features e-books from leading publishes and university presses.
eBook Business Collection (EBSCOhost): Includes thousands of e-books dedicated to the study of business, from conducting business research to helping students understand general business concepts. NEW!!!
eBook Community College Collection (EBSCOhost): Focuses on the academic and trade information needs of community colleges. NEW!!
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - Core Collection: Includes thousands of e-books covering a large selection of academic subjects.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Collection: A special subset of the Core Collection.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - Health Sciences Collection: A special subset of the Core Collection.
eBook Nursing Collection (EBSCOhost): Includes clinical guides, evidence-based practice manuals, practical handbooks, and professional growth titles for nursing. NEW!!!
Environment Complete: Full-text content from over 1200 journals and monographs on environmental studies.
ERIC: Education Resource Information Center: Includes articles and other documents.
Films On Demand: Academic, Career and Technical, and Archival and Newsreel film collections across all disciplines.
Fuente Académica: Full-text articles from multi-discipline Spanish language scholarly journals.
Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia: Provides over 25,000 full-text encyclopedia entries.
G to L
Gale: Browse all Gale research products or go to individual Gale resources:
Gale Ebooks: Reference sources for just about any research topic.
Gale In Context - Biography: Biographies, magazine articles, images, and more for over 900,000 people.
Gale Interactive - Human Anatomy: Study human anatomy with these interactive 3-D models.
Gale Literature Resource Center: Author information, overviews, literary criticism and reviews.
Gale Literature - Scribner Writers Series: Full-text essays and critical reviews on over 1,600 authors and literary genres.
Gale Literature - Twayne’s Author Series: Full-text information and biographies on world, U S, and English authors.
Global Road Warrior: Resources on world cultures, statistics, travel, maps and images.
GreenFILE: Information on aspects of human impact to the environment, including full-text.
Health Source - Nursing/Academic Edition: 550 journals in health disciplines, plus drug information.
Hispanic Life in America, Series 1: 1704 – 1942: The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media.
History Reference Center: Reference books, history magazines, historical documents, etc.
IEEE Xplore NOW Press eBooks: Offers high-quality eBooks in subject areas including computer science, engineering, and more.
JSTOR - The Scholarly Archive: Articles from scholarly journals in the arts and sciences, humanities, business, etc.
LearningExpress PrepSTEP: Search all resource centers; includes help for test preparation, computer skills, online learning, job skills as practice tests, e-books, and more. Go to How to Access RPCC Library Resources and select LearningExpress PrepSTEP for more information on getting a LearningExpress PrepStep account.
Core Math and Science Skills
Core English Skills
College Success Skills
Career Preparation
Basic Computer Skills
Grad School Admissions Preparation
ACT and SAT test Preparation
High School Equivalency Center
Recursos Para Hispanohablantes
AWS Training Center (Amazon Web Services)
Legal Source: Full-text articles from scholarly law journals on legal issues, studies, and more.
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text: Includes content on censorship, copyright, and electronic searching.
Literary Reference Center Plus: Full-text information on authors and literature from journals, reference books, and more, plus over 7400 classic novels.
M to P
MAS Complete: Full-text articles, biographies, primary documents, images, and more. High school level.
MasterFILE Complete: Offers full-text articles from magazines, journals, reference books, biographies, and primary sources, plus images, maps, and videos.
MedicLatina: Full-text articles from Spanish language medical journals published in Latin America.
MEDLINE: Authoritative information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, pre-clinical sciences, and more. Also see MedlinePlus, a free U.S. National Library of Medicine resource.
Military and Government Collection: Almost 300 journals covering military and government topics.
Newspaper Source Plus: Articles from thousands of newspapers, and magazines, as well as TV and radio news transcripts.
Newswires:(AP, UPI, etc.) Near real-time access to top world-wide news sources.
Nexis Uni: Features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources – including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790.
Nursing and Allied Health Premium: Information from leading nursing and allied health publications.
O'Reilly for Higher Education: includes ebooks, video, interactive media and more on topics like computer science, programming, business, cyber security, and more, including access to 35K+ books, 30K+ hours of video, interactive tutorials, and audio books! For more information, please see How to Access RPCC Library Resources and select O'Reilly for Higher Education for more information on creating an account.
Oxford Academic: Very Short Introductions - Arts and Humanities: offers concise and original introductions to topics in the humanities.
OED: Oxford English Dictionary: A comprehensive dictionary of over 500,000 English language words.
Oxford Reference: Full-text general and subject-specific reference sources.
Primary Search: Full-text articles from popular elementary school magazines with reading levels.
Professional Development Collection: Full-text articles from education journals and reports.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection: Over 550 publications in behavioral sciences.
Q to Z
Referencia Latina: Offers content from various sources including reference sources, magazines, and more.
Regional Business News: Articles from over 75 business sources in the U S.
Religion and Philosophy Collection: Covers over 300 journals on religious history, theology, and philosophy.
R2 Digital Library - Rittenhouse: Find ebooks for medical, nursing, and allied health sciences.
- SAGE Video Collection: Nursing: Watch nursing practitioners in accredited demonstrations, case studies, nursing history, and more.
Salem Press: Find full-text reference sources in Literature, History, Science, and Health.
Sanborn Maps of Louisiana: Historical maps published between 1867 to 1970 of over 150 Louisiana towns and cities.
Science and Technology Collection: Articles from over 800 scientific and technical journals, and more.
SocINDEX with Full-Text: Over 390 journals, over 720 books, and more.
Swank Motion Pictures: Selected feature films and documentaries.
Taylor & Francis Custom eBook Collection: A collection of over 930 eBook titles covering topics in arts, economics, technology, and more!
Teacher Reference Center: Over 270 education journals and magazines, some with full-text articles.
Vente et Gestion (French Business Source): Full-text articles from French language business journals.
Important Note:
Access to the LOUIS and RPCC databases is provided by RPCC Library Services through paid subscriptions and annual consortium fees. Access and use of the Databases off-campus is limited to current RPCC students, faculty, and staff only. Authorized users will need their User ID and PIN to use the resources off-campus. Please see How to Access RPCC Library Resources or ask an RPCC Librarian for details.