Databases - Indexes and Abstracts (Not Full-Text)

Non Full-Text Databases
The following databases provide citation and abstract (summary) information for articles or books. Full-text materials are not available from these resources. Please submit an InterLibrary Borrowing Request for desired items. Note that submitting a request does not guarantee that a request will be honored. Requests should be submitted far enough ahead of any due dates to allow receipt of materials.
- Abstracts in Social Gerontology: Abstracts of articles on aging and the elderly.
- Agricola: Citations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library.
- Art Index Retrospective: Citations for 55 years of art publications.
- Dissertations and Theses A and I: Find abstracts of theses and dissertations, some with full-text.
- Educational Administration Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on educational administration, leadership, and more.
- European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750: Citations to over 32,000 documents.
- Family Studies Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on family studies, including marriage, divorce, family therapy, etc.
- Gale Literary Index: Provides quick and easy access to author and title listings from over 130 literature products from Gale. Not full-text.
- Hospitality and Tourism Index: Citations and; abstracts for hospitality and tourism articles, some full-text.
- Human Resources Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on human resources, human resource management, and more.
- Information Science and Technology Abstracts: A leading database in the areas of information science.
- Mental Measurements Yearbook: A guide to behavioral testing instruments with reviews.
- MLA Directory of Periodicals: Find detailed publication information on over 5,500 journals.
- MLA International Bibliography: Find detailed citations of journal articles, books and dissertations.
- Peace Research Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on peace, conflict resolution, etc.
- Public Administration Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on aspects of public administration.
- Race Relations Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on race relations, ethnic studies, immigration studies, etc.
- The Serials Directory: Find bibliographic information for popular serials from publishers worldwide.
- Shock and Vibration Digest: Records of articles on shock and vibration, noise, vibration technologies, etc.
- Urban Studies Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on urban studies, urban affairs, etc.
- Violence and Abuse Abstracts: Abstracts of articles on domestic violence, emotional and sexual abuse, etc.
- WorldCat Discovery from OCLC lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. If we don’t have it, we can find it for you!
Important Note:
Access to the LOUIS and RPCC databases is provided by RPCC Library Services through paid subscriptions and annual consortium fees. Access and use of the Databases off-campus is limited to current RPCC students, faculty, and staff only. Authorized users will need their User ID and PIN to use the resources remotely. Please see How to Access RPCC Library Resources or ask an RPCC Librarian for details.