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Free Online Resources and Tools

Publicly Available Resources

Listed below are various resources for general and special interest needs. Click the heading to see a list of relevant links.
Reminder: Free to access does not mean free from copyright. Cite all sources!


Need to find people, businesses, or services? Try these!

General Reference: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and More

Use these resources for backgound information and quick references.

Open Access Journals and Ebooks

Open Access resources are those that are available online for free access and use. Most of those listed here are major scholarly publishers, offering peer-reviewed materials online for FREE!!!

Business and Consumer Resources

Education Resources: Find information on colleges, financial aid, etc.

Teaching and Learning Resources

Employment and Workplace Resources

Energy and Environment

Health and Nutrition Resources

Language Resources

Map Resources

News and Weather

Local News and Weather:

National Weather:

National and Worldwide News:

Louisiana State Agencies and Organizations

State and Local Agencies:


Federal Government Resources

General Information & Directories:

Census, Demographics, & Statistics:

Government & Law:

Law Enforcement & Crime:

Health, Medicine, & Social Services:

Military & Defense:

Science & Technology:

Social Security & Government Benefits:

Taxes, Government Spending:

National Organizations

Demographics & Statistics:

Government & Politics:

Global Organizations and Resources

General Information & Organizations:

Statistics & Demographics:

Economics & Development:

Government & Military:

Miscellaneous Resources and Tools

Need to find area or zip codes, calculators, time zones, etc?

Internet Search Tools

Search Engines & Directories – Contrary to popular belief, search engines do not search the entire World Wide Web. They collect information about websites using proprietary methods; some search other search engines (metasearch engines), some search for specific types of information or file types. Some will even customize searches to the user, his/her location, etc., meaning that two people using the exact same search tool and terms can get very different results! For best results, construct your search terms carefully and use a tool that’s appropriate for your needs.

  • 360Daily: searches video on the web.
  • Ask: “Q&A” platform.
  • bing
  • dogpile: returns all the best results from leading search engines including Google and Yahoo.
  • DuckDuckGo: “The search engine that doesn’t track you.”
  • EducationWorld: education-based includes other resources and tools.
  • Entireweb: boasts “ultra-high-performance information retrieval.
  • freesound: “aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio files released under Creative Commons licenses.”
  • FindLaw: search for legal resources
  • Google
  • Healthline: health and medical information, resource and tools.
  • LYCOS: in addition to searching, this offers a variety of options and resources.
  • MSN: Microsoft’s web portal.
  • Political Information: “a search engine for politics, policy and political websites.”
  • the U. S. Government Information Portal.
  • WolframAlpha: a “Computational Knowledge Engine,” that answers questions, does math, unit conversions and more.
  • Yahoo!
  • Yippy: clusters results, allows users to set preferences.