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Subject Guide - Mathematics

RPCC Library Online Resources

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Where to Look!

  • QA 1 to QA 939 – Mathematics.
    • QA 1 to QA 43 – General.
    • QA 101 to QA 145 – Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic.
    • QA 150 to QA 272.5 – Algebra.
    • QA 273 to QA 280 – Probabilities. Statistics.
    • QA 303 to QA 316 – Calculus.
    • QA 440 to QA 699 – Geometry. Trigonometry

Did you know that we also have graphing and scientific calculators for students to borrow? Ask at the Library's Service Desk. These checkout for 4 hours! 

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Online Resources

  • Khan Academy Math Resources; scroll down to find more advanced math topics
  • The Math Page includes two courses, and other resources.
  • Reducing Math Anxiety from Ferris State University
  • S.O.S. Mathematics; created by 3 mathematics professors, this resource offers tutorials, practice tests, tables and a forum for users to post questions and problems.
  • TV411: Math shows real-life applications of math with videos, web lessons, and printer-friendly documents.
  • Virtual Math Lab;  from West Texas A&M University, this resource offers help with beginning, intermediate, and college algebra.

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