RPCC Library Online Resources
- APA PsycINFO: The largest resource for peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health with some full-text.
- ERIC: Education Resource Information Center: Includes articles and other documents.
- Films On Demand: Education includes:
- LearningExpress PrepSTEP: Find help for test preparation, computer skills, online learning, job skills, practice tests, e-books, and more. Go to How to Access RPCC Library Resources and select LearningExpress PrepSTEP for more information on getting a LearningExpress account. See these Teaching Study Guides and Practice Tests.
- Professional Development Collection: Full-text articles from education journals and reports.
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection: Over 550 publications in behavioral sciences.
- SocINDEX with Full-Text: Over 390 journals, over 720 books, and more.
- Teacher Reference Center: Over 270 education journals and magazines, some with full-text articles.
Where to Look!
Find books and DVDs shelved in these call numbers:
- BF 712 to BF 724 – Developmental psychology.
- BF 721 to BF 723 – Child psychology.
- HF 5549.5 .T7 – Computer-assisted instruction (Employee training).
- LA – History of education.
- LA 201 to LA 398 – History of education – United States.
- LB – Theory and practice of education.
- LB 1028.3 to LB 1028.8 – Educational technology.
- LB 1049.9 to LB 1050.75 – Teaching reading.
- LB 1050.9 to LB 1091 – Educational psychology.
- LB 1139.2 to LB 1139.5 – Early childhood education.
- LB 1140 to LB 1140.5 – Preschool education. Nursery schools.
- LB 1141 to LB 1489 – Kindergarten.
- LB 1501 to LB 1547 – Primary education.
- LB 1555 to LB 1602 – Elementary education.
- LB 1705 to LB 2286 – Education and training of teachers and administrators.
- LC – Special aspects of education.
- LC 8 to LC 59 – Forms of education; self-education; home schooling; informal education; alternative education; etc.
- LC 65 to LC 245 – Social aspects of education.
- LC 189 to LC 214.53 – Educational sociology
- LC 1099 – Multicultural education.
- LC 1200 to LC 1203 – Inclusive education.
- LC 3991 to LC 4000 – Gifted children and youth.
- LC 4001 to LC 4806.5 – Handicapped, disabled youth and children.
- QA 101 to QA 145 – Elementary mathematics (including basic mathematical concepts for elementary grades).
General Resources
- ED.gov: U.S. Department of Education includes resources on laws & guidance, data & statistics, information on key educational issues, and more.
- EDSITEment! The Best of the Humanities on the Web offers lesson plans and more.
- Education World offers articles, lesson plans, professional development, technology, and other education resources.
- IES: Institute of Education Sciences, a division of the U.S. Dept. of Education, provides information and data on education research, practices, and policies.
- Louisiana Department of Education provides resources for certification, teaching, assessment, and more.
Classroom Technology
- Education World: Technology offers articles, lesson plans, and other resources for incorporating technology in teaching.
- K-12 Educational Resources from Intel provides product information, tech trends, and guidance on integrating technology into teaching.
- Office of Educational Technology from the Dept. of Education "develops national educational technology policy and establishes the vision for how technology can be used to transform teaching and learning," and more.
Educational Psychology
- Educational Psychology News from ScienceDaily, “your source for the latest research news.” Includes news, articles, video, images and book lists.
- Educational Psychology, of K12 Academics offers a wealth of information. The home page also lists information related to disorders and disabilities.
Special Education & Diversity
- ISER: Internet Special Education Resources is national directory of special education and special needs services, providers and products.
- OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services from ED.gov, this resource “is dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21” and focuses on information and resources addressing the IDEA 2004 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act).