RPCC Library Online Resources
- Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text: The leading full-text database for criminal justice and criminology research covering all related subjects, including forensic sciences, corrections, policing, criminal law and investigation.
- Films On Demand: Criminal Justice & Law - includes:
- Criminal Investigation - includes Forensic Science and Investigative Process.
- Criminal Justice System - includes Corrections, Courts, Law Enforcement/Police Training, and more.
- Criminology - includes Crime & Society, types of crime, & Crime Prevention, etc.
- Learning Express PrepSTEP: See Career Preparation to find information on careers, workplace skills, and prep help for Law Enforcement exams. See How to Access for more details.
- Legal Source: Full-text articles from scholarly law journals on legal issues, studies, and more.
- Military and Government Collection: Almost 300 journals covering military and government topics.
- O'Reilly for Higher Education: Includes hundreds of ebooks, courses, videos, and other resources pertaining to digital and computer forensics. For more information, please see How to Access RPCC Library Resources and select O'Reilly for Higher Education for more information on creating an account.
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection: Over 550 publications in behavioral sciences.
- Science and Technology Collection: Articles from over 800 scientific and technical journals.
- SocINDEX with Full-Text: Over 390 journals, 720 books, and more.
Where to Look!
Find books and DVDs shelved in these call numbers:
HV – Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology
- HV 4961 to HV5720.5 – Degeneration. Alcoholism.
- HV 5800 to HV 5840 – Drug habits. Drug abuse.
- HV 6001 to HV 7220.5 – Criminology
- HV 6035 to HV 6197 – Criminal psychology
- HV 6250 to HV 6250.4 – Victims of crimes. Victimology
- HV 6251 to HV 7220.5 – Crimes, offenses, criminal classes
- HV 7231 to HV 9960 –Criminal justice administration
- HV 7551 to HV 8280.7 – Police. Detectives. Policing.
- HV 8301 to HV 9920.7 – Penology. Prisons. Corrections. Juvenile justice. Reformation.
- HV 9950 to HV 9960 – Comparative criminal justice administration by region or country.
K – Law
- K 2100 to K 2385 – Courts. Procedure.
- K 5000 to K 5582 – Criminal law and procedure.
- KFL 1 to KFL 599 – Louisiana law.
QH 313.5 - Special aspects of biology (including forensic biology)
RA 1001 to RA 1171 - Forensic medicine (including DNA analysis)
Online Resources
- Bureau of Justice Statistics, “the United States’ primary source for criminal justice statistics,” a division of the U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs.
- Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice includes statistical data, information on grants and programs, and other criminal justice issues in the state.
- Louisiana State Police provides information on the agency, statistics, training, and more.
- NCJRS Virtual Library "hosts a collection of over 235,000 information resources on criminal justice subjects, including corrections, courts, drugs, law enforcement, juvenile justice, victims of crime, and related topics."
- NIJ: National Institute of Justice is the research, development, and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. It offers numerous resources (text and multimedia formats) on various topics (e.g., crime, forensics. law enforcement, etc.).
- Crime Solutions evaluates programs and practices for what works and what doesn't.
- National Center on Forensics "focuses on increasing the forensic workforce and increasing scientific knowledge resources for the legal system."