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Subject Guide - Criminal Justice

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Find books and DVDs shelved in these call numbers:

HV – Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology

  • HV 4961 to HV5720.5 – Degeneration. Alcoholism.
  • HV 5800 to HV 5840 – Drug habits. Drug abuse.
  • HV 6001 to HV 7220.5 – Criminology
    • HV 6035 to HV 6197 – Criminal psychology
    • HV 6250 to HV 6250.4 – Victims of crimes. Victimology
    • HV 6251 to HV 7220.5 – Crimes, offenses, criminal classes
    • HV 7231 to HV 9960 –Criminal justice administration
      • HV 7551 to HV 8280.7 – Police. Detectives. Policing.
      • HV 8301 to HV 9920.7 – Penology. Prisons. Corrections. Juvenile justice. Reformation.
      • HV 9950 to HV 9960 – Comparative criminal justice administration by region or country.

– Law

  • K 2100 to K 2385 – Courts. Procedure.
  • K 5000 to K 5582 – Criminal law and procedure.
  • KFL 1 to KFL 599 – Louisiana law. 

QH 313.5 - Special aspects of biology (including forensic biology)

RA 1001 to RA 1171 - Forensic medicine (including DNA analysis)

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