Geological Surveys and Maps


Contains over 145,000 maps, including political, physical, and more.

USGS National Geologic Map Database


OneGeology is an international initiative of the world's geological surveys and geoscience organizations. It provides access to global geoscience data and promotes exchange of knowledge and skills, enabling all potential users to participate.

McCully Web Geological Survey Sites of the Web

AGI's State Geological Surveys Database from USGS data The Geological Surveys Database project is a collaboration between American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and U.S. State Geological Surveys to help increase the discoverability and use of geological survey publications and factsheets. Some publication have links to full text and are available to read online, but not all.

Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas

Uses cutting-edge data to identify, map, and evaluate water risks around the world.


Classification, Data, and Statistics

Minerology Database

Classification and description of minerals with links and a comprehensive library of images corresponding to each mineral.

Mineral Resources Database

This database describes minerals and ores of specific elements; individual, highlighted minerals; a limited number of rocks; and a few, key industrial materials for reference.

The world's largest open database of minerals, rocks, meteorites and the localities they come from.

UC Berkeley Alphabetical Mineral Reference

Mineral Usage Statistics

Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data

Interactive maps and downloadable data for regional and global analysis.

 USGS Volcanic Hazards

Data and technical reports on volcanic hazards.

Smithsonian Institute Global Volcanism Program

The Volcanoes of the World database is a catalog of Holocene and Pleistocene volcanoes, and eruptions from the past 12,000 years. Includes reports on current eruptions and new volcanic activity.


An interactive online and mobile platform for geological data exploration, integration, and analysis.

USGS Water Data for the Nation

Other USGS Water data tools

Snow & Ice Data Center 

Data advancing knowledge of Earth's frozen regions since 1976.


Images and Videos

Smithsonian Institute Global Volcanism Program --Image Galleries

USGS Media Gallery from the Earth Resource Observation Center (EROS)

Image and video galleries.

USGS Multimedia Gallery

UC-San Diego TV Gallery 

Videos about geophysics and earth sciences.

Earth Science World Image Bank


Archival Documents and Texts
