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Education and Teaching Shelf Materials

Shelf Resources at RPCC Library, Gonzales Campus

Browse Books and DVDs by shelf number sections

BF section

BF 712 to BF 724 – Developmental psychology.

BF 721 to BF 723 – Child psychology.

HF section

HF 5549.5 .T7 – Computer-assisted instruction (Employees-training of).

L section – Education.

LA – History of education.

LA 201 to LA 398 – History of education – United States.

LB – Theory and practice of education.

LB 1028.3 to LB 1028.8 – Educational technology.

LB 1049.9 to LB 1050.75 – Teaching reading.

LB 1050.9 to LB 1091 – Educational psychology.

LB 1139.2 to LB 1139.5 – Early childhood education.

LB 1140 to LB 1140.5 – Preschool education. Nursery schools.

LB 1141 to LB 1489 – Kindergarten.

LB 1501 to LB 1547 – Primary education.

LB 1555 to LB 1602 – Elementary education.

LB 1705 to LB 2286 – Education and training of teachers and administrators.

LC – Special aspects of education.

LC 8 to LC 59 – Forms of education; self-education; home schooling; informal education; alternative education; etc.

LC 65 to LC 245 – Social aspects of education.

LC 189 to LC 214.53 – Educational sociology

LC 1099 – Multicultural education.

LC 1200 to LC 1203 – Inclusive education.

LC 3991 to LC 4000 – Gifted children and youth.

LC 4001 to LC 4806.5 – Handicapped, disabled youth and children.

QA section

QA 101 to QA 145 – Elementary mathematics (including basic mathematical concepts for elementary grades).

Read print issues of these periodicals (journals/magazines/newspapers) on the shelves:

Pscyhology Today mag cover

Psychology Today magazine

Bound issues from 2004-2008 ( some issues missing) on the shelf: BF1 .P855

Current issues from past three years (some issues missing) available in Serials Display